Untitled , 2015, galvanized iron (left) and  Untitled,  2015, found bicycle U-locks (right), photo courtesy Guerrero Gallery.
  Vein , 2010, automobile tail light pieces, monofiliment, 30" high
 Shooting Up, 2002, plastic bags
  Copse , 2010, folded cardstock, 15" x 30" x 6"
  Lap , 2010, waxed, oxidized metal, paint, 2" x 30" x 12"
  Rogue , 2010, plexiglas, 2 elements, 30" x 15" x 6"
 Installation View,  Tall Trees , 2010  foreground:  Vein , 2010, automobile tail light pieces, monofiliment, 30" tall  on wall:  Outlook , 2010, waxed and oxidized metal, paint, 7 units, 30" x 102" x 6"
 Icarus, 2008, plexiglas, plastic sheeting, wire hanger (installation view)
 Cortland Constellation, 2008, plexiglas (installation view)
 Murk, 2008, plastic sheeting, plexiglas, wire hangers
 Neighbors, 2004, plastic bags
 Installation View, I'm Just Happy to Be Here, 2004, Plastic Bags, plywood
 VV, 2007, plastic sheeting, nylon string
 Waterfall, 2005, plastic bags, plastic container, wire hanger
 When Yes on N Becomes No on N, 2007, plastic sheeting, galvanized wire
 Slouch, 2007, plastic beads, galvanized wire
 Alameda YB, 2003, plastic bags, gromments, pushpins
 Alameda Orange, 2003, plastic bags
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